GNC Women's Ripped Vitapak program: Week 2 Review

With the new year in full swing, I'm sure there are people who are still hanging in there with that resolution to lose weight. This post is just for you! I have spent the past 7 years working on my own weight issues and over that time I have tried everything from diet pills to psycho diets. One thing I will say is that there really are no short cuts when it comes to weight loss. There are helpers though.

photo from

I want to start by saying that this vitapak is a huge help for your midsection. With all the CLA in it, it's amazing for that. There are plenty of pros and cons I want to share with you, in the hopes that this will better help you than a short website review.


I want to first talk about the B vitamins in this. They keep me energized and are great! I like to take this before a work out so I have the energy to blast through my workout and not feel like crap afterwards. It's the energy boost one would need, especially on the days where the diet changes really make you feel sluggish.

Another pro is the biotin included. My nails have grown really fast over the past 2 weeks and my hair feels amazing! My skin is also starting to show a little change for the better. it's 5000 mg of Biotin is definitely going to make a difference when taken daily.

I will mention once again that the amount of CLA in this pack. CLA is good for cutting belly fat. if you're wanting to sculpt away a chubby tummy, then this pack is a dream come true.


The biggest con I have with this vitapak is the size of the pills. Freaking horse pills. -___-;

All of those in the morning... Most of them are HUGE!
Look at the size of those pills! The big orange ones are Women's Ultra Mega Active without Iron. They have Vitamins A, C, D, E, K, B-6, B-12, and a lot more. That's great but the pill size it's self is "Ultra Mega!" Not a problem I guess if you're used to taking supplements. The yellow ones are CLA 1000 mg capsules. 4000mg of CLA a say? Okay. I'll take it! (Even if it feels like it's getting stuck in my throat)

While we're looking at the photo: The red capsule is X-12, the grayish color capsule is Waterex (makes you pee... D': ), and the white capsule is Biotin 5000.

Another con is all the B vitamins you get. Don't take this on a day where you want to just relax. You'll get all jittery and end up doing a lot more than planned. It's good and bad. Do not take this after noon or you will be up all night. The caffeine and B vitamins are really powerful!


I recommend this to anyone who wants a little extra help with their workouts. The biotin is a real perk that can't be overlooked by anyone who is a girly girl like myself either. To work past the cons of the huge pills, just take them one at a time and with PLENTY of water.

Overall I give this product a 4/5. You should check it out for yourself though, as I'm not expert. You can find it here.

Hope this helps!

<3 Zia


  1. I really like this review. Best one yet!

  2. How did you take them? All at once in the AM or throughout the day?

  3. Hello Ladies. which is the pill to take before working out for energy? Thanks

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